S.T.I.N.G. Meeting
and Intelligence Sharing Meeting
1. General Sting Business- Secretary's, treasurer's and other stated STING business needing discussed.
2.. Update on STING Conference. - evlet our membership know we still don't know but are keeping an eye on the situation.
3. Training- CO STING Website and features.
Several members are not familiar with all the features on the CO STING Website. We compile a quick guide/power point that can be shared with the membership.
4. Info Share- With the COVID-19 affecting everyone we have plenty to discuss..
5. Intel Sharing
Thank you to Auto Theft Intelligence Coordination Center for hosting this Webex meeting. Below is the required information to log on and join the meeting:
Meeting number (access code): 280 862 059
Meeting password: PebscRZS226
Friday, April 24, 2020 10:00 am MST 4 hrs
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Dial 280862059.coloradogov@lync.webex.com
S.T.I.N.G. Meeting